January 2025 Bird Watch Results

On January 4, 2025, Little Sewickley Creek Watershed Association sponsored a winter bird count. Four teams of field watchers submitted lists of bird species and the number of individual birds they observed across 13 locations across the Sewickley and surrounding areas.

The bird watch spanned over 13-man hours by foot, 2+ hours by car. Temperature for the day spanned from 19°F to 24°F. Weather conditions were mostly cloudy, with 100% overcast. Snow cover was approximately 1 ½ to 2”. Wind was mostly calm with 1-3 mph winds, with gusts up to 25 mph.

Four Locations

  • Edgeworth Dump, Morrow-Pontefract Park, QV Shopping Center, Academy Athletic Field, Woodland Pool, Walker Park, Devil’s Hollow (L1)
  • Meadowview Conservation Area, Allegheny Country Club, King’s Lake, Legacy Field, Fern Hollow Nature Center (L2)
  • Sewickley Heights Park (L3 & L4)

There were an additional five resident feeder locations.

  • Woodland Road Extension (F1)
  • Little Sewickley Creek Road (F2)
  • Timberhill Drive (F3)
  • Glen Mitchell Road (F4)
  • Henry Lane (F5)
Bird Type
American Crow2769444
American GoldfinchAmerican Goldfinch13265
American Robin446236
Blue Jay591722634331
Canada Goose122122
Carolina Chickadee44
Carolina Wren154224111
Cedar Waxwing1212
Chickadee, sp.15235221
Common Raven321
Dark-eyed Junco18651273714253263
Double-crested Cormorant44
Downy Woodpecker12151122
Eastern Bluebird1010
Golden-Crowned Kinglet11
Great Horned Owl11
Gull, sp1010
Hairy Woodpecker61122
House Finch1612211
House Sparrow422
Mourning Dove14131522
Northern Cardinal34710443114
Pileated Woodpecker422
Red-Bellied Woodpecker1654211111
Red-Tailed Hawk22
Red-Winged Blackbird2525
Song Sparrow20731414
Sparrow, sp.1055
Tufted Titmouse171422341
White-Breasted Nuthatch17331123121
White-Throated Sparrow1423162
Wild Turkey44